Special Guests How closely do you identify with the character you play in facebook?

Special Guests “Whose English?” – frieze d/e Issue 4: Launch and Roundtable

Special Guests Invent/Invest

Special Guests Your Obedient Servant

Special Guests Luis Camnitzer: The Assignment Book

Special Guests Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt. Goldrausch as a system.

Special Guests Michael Müller: Weltempfänger Ich-Oper

Special Guests Paul Plamper: TACET (RUHE 2)

Special Guests The Anxious Prop, Case 3: The Black Swan Issue

Special Guests Renzo Martens: Enjoy Poverty.
Kategorien ArchivesSpecial Guests
#12 – How closely do you identify with the character you play in facebook? 13.03.2012 at 8 pm
How closely do you identify with the character you play in facebook?
— anonymous status update, social networking site.
#11 – “Whose English?” – frieze d/e Issue 4: Launch and Roundtable 10.03.2012 at 7 pm
Dear Friends,
Our upcoming fourth issue marks the first full year of our dual-language quarterly.
To celebrate the release of our spring issue, we’re hosting a launch event at the Salon Populaire at 7pm on March 10.
In keeping with the magazine’s bilingual nature, we’ll be asking questions about the nature of ‘Globish’, or global English: how does the predominance of the English language affect art, writing and culture?
Please join us in hearing Karl Holmqvist and Jan Verwoert, Alix Rule, and Vincenzo Latronico read, perform, and give their thoughts on this theme.
This launch is the first in a series of talks on the theme of language, artistic production, and criticism that we will be hosting during the month of March. More details to follow.
This event is free and open to the public, so please do bring your friends.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Salon Populaire
Bülowstr. 90
March 10, 2012
7:00 on the dot
Karl Holmqvist is an artist based in Berlin and Stockholm.
Vincenzo Latronico is a Milan-based author and translator.
Alix Rule is a critic and sociologist based in New York.
Jan Verwoert is a critic and contributing editor for frieze.
#10 – Invent/Invest 02.02.2012 at 8 pm
Société Réaliste will Give a Talk on Invent / Invest within the Frame of the BEHAVING DIFFERENTLY! lecture series organized by Interflugs.
Continue reading
#9 – Your Obedient Servant 01.02.2012 at 8 pm
An evening about animals and ideology. With Ulrich Gebert and Cord Riechelmann.
Continue reading
#8 – Luis Camnitzer: The Assignment Book 17.11.2011
#7 – Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt. Goldrausch as a system. 05.10.2011
#6 – Michael Müller: Weltempfänger Ich-Oper 14.09.2011
#5 – Paul Plamper: TACET (RUHE 2) 11.05.2011
#4 – Achim Lengerer: Scriptings #19 20.04.2011
Batsong, rehearsals for an Audioplay Continue reading
#3 – Dalibor Martinis: Reality is an activity, not a static object. 13.11.2010
#2 – The Anxious Prop, Case 3: The Black Swan Issue 04.10.2010
By Luis Berríos-Negrón, Elín Hansdóttir, Mendel Heit, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, and The Product with Jens Wunderling Continue reading